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It's On


It's On

M A R C H W E E K 3

1 3 . 3 . 2 0 2 3 - M a n l y B e a c h & F a i r y B o w e r

The usual Monday morning scene down at Manly Beach today. The sun is out for the morning before we’re in for some overcast greyness for a couple of days. The early morning gaggle of swimmers were already getting amongst it well before sun up, kick starting their week in the salt. Around the corner was a pretty good option too. A couple almost had it all to themselves for their morning dip.

1 5 . 3 . 2 0 2 3 - N o r t h S t e y n e

It’s On! What a morning in the surf. There’s a 3-5ft East swell combined with light offshore breeze and low tide. The whole beach was pumping! With a window of sunlight at sunrise, the scene in the water at North Steyne was incredible. Always stoked to get amongst it in the water, here’s what I saw…

1 6 . 3 . 2 0 2 3 - N o r t h S t e y n e

Beautiful sunrise this morning! Intense hues of pink and orange spread across the sky. There were still a few waves around off the back of the previous day’s swell. There’s always some form of activity happening down the esplanade at sunrise, but that morning was especially busy. Looked like everyone was out and about getting amongst the ocean or getting the early steps in before starting the day. Place to be was in the water though, that’s for sure.

As always, thanks for checking out this weeks post and following my work! All photographs are available as prints. Hit the link below to browse collections and read more posts. If you don’t see what you’re after here on my website just shoot me a message and we’ll get it organised for you.


